What is Permit Outsourcing?
As companies across the Global continue to eliminate the high cost of employees and overhead, many in the building industry have turned to outsourcing there permit process. These services are usually available through a permit expediting company. Though, many permit expediting companies perform permit services for a number of projects, they also work closely with an existing office staff that requires daily attention for permits. This would be true for companies that are constructing new homes, performing home renovations and/or installing and replacing operating systems (heating & cooling, septic system, plumbing lines, etc).
What about Temp Staffing?
Many would agree the building industry shares a high turnover rate, much like a large retailer would. Some general contractors reach out to their local temporary staffing agencies for part time or seasonal help. While this may be affective for some office positions, it can become very frustrating for permit submittals. Cities and plan reviewers grow impatience explaining the permit process to a builder or general contractor that has a high volume of permit requests. This can cause a slowdown in the submittal of the permit and can slow review times, putting a project on the “bottom of the pile” due to lack of information required for review. Ask this question: what would you rather have, and new part time person in the office or access to an entire team of professionals dedicated to getting your project started on time?
How Does Outsourcing Help?
A permit company will have a much better idea of what information is required for permit submittal. If they do not, they will know the correct questions and the right person to ask. In addition, a permit company understands the daily demand of a permit department and plans examiner, so they will know what to say and how to say it. Many times a project review can be delayed because of someone’s “tone of voice phone over the phone”. This can easily happen when a new hire is thrown into the middle of a project.
What is the Cost?
Each Permit Company will have different list of services they offer. Prices can vary due to the amount of volume a permit company received from a client. Some permit companies may price by the hour, while many price by project. Residential permit services are usually less expensive than commercial permits. The best way to find out pricing is by contacting Express Permits and request a quote for your upcoming project or projects. Visit our website at www.expresspermits.net.
What is the End Result?
The end result concludes with a general contractor or builder receiving permit services by experts in the field at a faster rate. This will make both the permit submitter and the plans examiner value the process, and will create a quality relationship for future projects.
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