Why Outsource Your Permit Management
Your Outsourced Permit Department
When you’ve been handling your own permit management duties, making the decision to trust someone else for this essential aspect of your business can be tough. However, Express Permit’s reliability, speed, and reasonable prices can make the decision much simpler! So why outsource your permitting service at all?
There are several reasons.
Cost Savings
Permit expeditors have a reputation for being expensive. However, when you calculate the return on investment of using Express Permits, you’re sure to see savings in terms of time, money, and frustration.
Many city planning departments are overwhelmed with high volumes of permit submittals. When the initial application is not complete and accurate, reviewers may set it aside to come back later, and your review and approval times are much slower. When you calculate the amount of time your employees spend dealing with the permit process, fines from mistakes and errors, the overhead of having more employees on staff, and training time for staff to learn local regulations, the cost of Express Permit’s services is far less expensive.
Our permit expeditor services can make the entire permit process faster. Our nation-wide footprint means that you don’t need to spend time researching local regulations, our affiliates can deliver faster results, and we can store your drawings and plans in our location in order to eliminate processing time.
Those are just three of the reasons we feel we’re a great choice for over-worked builders, architects and others. If you’d like to hear more, why not have a conversation with us? Contact us here and let’s talk.